Store2HomeTM Delivery Service
Customers orders sre delivered home on sameday delivery service.
Pickup from multiple stores are delivering to local community is quicker
and efficient than delivering from remote warehouses
Multistore Curbside Pickup
Shoppers who choose stores for quicker service can still
make single transaction across multiple stores and pickup in one trip
Pickup service saves shoppers valuable time and money.
Rapo Store CollaborationTM
Allows multiple stores to have
-one storefront (mycity.rapo.market)
-one search
-one cart
-one transaction
-one customer support
"gives online portal experience for local stores"
Rapo Smart ListTM shopper
In person shopper search and make a list on storefront app,
for easy selection and find them quickly at store in exact Aisle/rack/bin location.
WOW, Isn't it convenient way to shop!!!